Whacha Got to Say?!

Writing is good for your health. It makes your heart feel better!

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's In A Word?

Today I read some pretty interesting blogs about editing by Eric A. Kimmel and Debbi Mack. The best part about them was they inspired me to start my own! :-)
 Since I started writing a novel several years ago and an editing company last year I have been getting familiar with words in a whole new light. I've always known that words have power; we can speak death and life whether we know it or not. Scholars call that the self-fulfilling prophecy. Either way, the words we use, the meaning and motivation behind them and the actions we take because of them are all linked in a cosmic way. How cool is that?
In addition to having power to speak death and life, we also have the power to write in the same fashion. I choose to write life. It is my desire to help those writers like myself who wish to add more than they take away by editing with that in mind. This is not to mean that characters will never die or be eulogized in my books. They will. However, my writing will always point to the words that give. Probably because I've been given so much.

Check out my site: www.twfginc.com

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